Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cerita Teladan - Kancil Yang Bijak

Pada zaman dahulu, di sebuah hutan tinggal dua ekor monyet iaitu LILI dan LELE.Di sana juga ada seekor kancil yang bernama CIKAN. CIKAN melihat LILI dan LELE memakan buah rambutan diatas pokok rambutan.CIKAN mahu makan juga.CIKAN berkata "LILI dan LELE minta rambutan sikit boleh?" LELE menjawab, "Tidak boleh!"

Pada keesokan harinya, LILI dan LELE memakan buah rambutan sekali lagi.CIKAN mahu makan.Tiba-tiba CIKAN mendapat satu idea,CIKAN berkata kepada LILI dan LELE,"Pak Rimau suruh taburkan rambutan ke tanah kalau tidak,Pak Rimau akan makan kamu berdua." LILI dan LELE pun taburkan.CIKAN ketawa"HAHAHA,kamu berdua kena tipu."CIKAN pun makan puas-puas.


Info tentang kancil :

Lesser Malay mouse deer tend to form monogamous family groups. Some are solitary. Mouse deer are very shy and try to remain unseen. They are usually silent; the only noise mouse deer make is a shrill cry when frightened (Jinaka, 1995). T. javanicus are most active during the night. Lesser Malay mouse deer travel thorugh tunnel-like trails of thick bursh to reach their feeding and resting sites, which are often in the cracks of rocks, hollow trees, and dense vegetation (Grzimck, 1994). The male mouse deer are territorial. Mouse deer regularly mark their territories, and their mates, using secretions from an intermandibular gland under the chin, an action that is usually accompanied by urinating or defecating (Nowak and Paradiso, 1983). Male mouse deer protect themselves, and their mates, against rivals by chasing or slashing them with their sharp canines. When threatened, lesser Malay mouse deer rapidly beat their hooves on the ground at speeds of up to 7 times per second, creating a 'drum roll' (Grzimck, 1994). Predators of the mouse deer include large birds and large reptiles (Nowak and Paradiso, 1983).

Kancil is a ruminant and has a three-chambered stomach (Lawlor, 1979). As ruminants, mouse deer use microorganisms that produce enzymes within the stomach to digest their food. In the wild, lesser Malayan mouse deer are commonly herbivores and folivores, eating leaves, buds, shrubs, and fruits that have fallen from trees. In zoos, mouse deer tend to eat insects as well as leaves and fruits (Nowak and Paradiso, 1983

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